
Big Music Sunday

The Big Music Sunday Service

The Royal School of Church Music are holding a special event on 14th June, and we will be joing in with the Big Music Sunday Service on the day at 6pm.

Why not join in this great celebration of church music? Full details of the event are here:
Music Sunday — 14th June 2020
Join us in celebrating the role of music and musicians in church life

The RSCM will post a link to the live-stream on their website on the day.

If you would like a copy of the music for the day so that you can join in download it from our website here:
Big Music Sunday Service

Prayer During the Day

We are live streaming on Facebook the Church of England's Prayer During the Day twice a week during lockdown.

If you would like to follow the text go the the Church of England's Daily Prayer page and scroll down to select Prayer During the Day.

Recording in Church

The good news is that from this Sunday, May 10th, we are allowed to stream the service from the church. so, no more furniture removals in the vicarage to get everything ready.

We still wait, of course, for the time when we can all gather together for worship, but it is good to be able to celebrate the Lord's Supper from the Lord's house.

The Bridge

The May edition of The Bridge, the Southwark Diocesan Newspaper, is now available to download and read.

After service coffee

This week we are trying a new venture - coffee after the service via Zoom. An aopportunity to catch up with each other over a cuppa. 

After the 10am service is over, go and grab a cuppa and a biscuit, and join us online.

Topic: St John's after service coffee
Time: May 3, 2020 10:45 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 3981 7282
Password: 599800

Happy Easter

Wishing every one an eggs-tra ordinary Easter. With love and prayers from all your friends and all the families at St John's Junior Church.

Easter Eucharist from the Bishop of Southwark

The Bishop's Easter message

The Easter Triduum

We will be posting a mass for Maundy Thursday on the morning of Maundy Thursday. This will then be followed by a reading of the Passion Gospel for Good Friday with prayers. For Easter Sunday, as well as the usual Sunday Parish Mass, there will also be an extra video of the lighting of the Easter Candle.

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