Happy Easter
Wishing every one an eggs-tra ordinary Easter. With love and prayers from all your friends and all the families at St John's Junior Church.
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Wishing every one an eggs-tra ordinary Easter. With love and prayers from all your friends and all the families at St John's Junior Church.
We will be posting a mass for Maundy Thursday on the morning of Maundy Thursday. This will then be followed by a reading of the Passion Gospel for Good Friday with prayers. For Easter Sunday, as well as the usual Sunday Parish Mass, there will also be an extra video of the lighting of the Easter Candle.
See our Palm Sunday photos
We asked people to either make palm crosses and palm branches at home, or find branches from their garden. These were waved during the service and put on people's doors to mark the feast. Some have sent us their pictures.
Download and read the Southwark Diocesan newspaper for April.
And do have a look at page 11 for news about our organist!
The Church of England has published guidelines regarding the Coronavirus situation.which can be since here:
The Archbishops of Canterbury updated the guidlines on 10th March and in accordance with the guidelines the situation at St John's is that for the time being:
1. Communion will be administered in one kind - that is, we will administer the bread but not the wine.
2. We will not share the Peace with a handshake
Read Father Jerry's sermon for the 2nd Sunday before Advent here.